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The Department of Physics at the University of Western Australia has a century-long history.
It was initially part of the Department of Mathematics and Physics, established in 1912 as one of earliest eight departments of this university and became the Department of Physics in 1929.
​This department provides a strong foundation for research.

Undergraduate Physics
Physics examines the world around us at the most fundamental level, from the origin and fate of the universe, to the behaviour of matter on sub-atomic length scales, and everything in between. The overarching objective of the Physics major is to provide you with access to the frontiers of modern physics via an emphasis on essential mathematical skills.
Frontier Physics
This Combined Bachelor and Master (CBM) is a four-year accelerated program for those with an ATAR of 96 or above. Over the first three years you’ll complete a major in Frontier Physics, and four units from the Master of Physics, including research training.

Master of Physics
This course is about understanding the world around us at its most fundamental level. The knowledge generated through the study of physics is also the driving force behind most new technologies, from radars to lasers, from transistors to quantum computers, and from electron microscopes to advanced medical imaging scanners.
PhD in Physics
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the University's flagship research degree, which can be taken in any discipline area in the University, providing that appropriate supervision and resources are available.